Stellar reviews for The Marilyn Conspiracy with Sally Mortemore at The Park Theatre!

Sally plays Monroe’s housekeeper, Eunice Murray, who was the last person to see her alive in this tense, uncompromising and unmissable new play which reveals the shocking events of Marilyn’s last days.

The Marilyn Conspiracy is co-written by actress Vicki McKellar (Paradise Lost, Leicester Square Theatre) and Olivier Award-winning West End and Broadway director Guy Masterson (9 Circles, Park Theatre & The Shark is Broken, West End) and playing at The Park Theatre

‘ … the forensic analysis is interspersed with fascinating insights into the chemistry of Monroe’s very different friendships. Not least with Sally Mortemore’s stern, conflicted Eunice Murray whose ambiguous silences imply that for every mystery that’s been revealed there are still more lurking in the shadows.’ ★★★★ The Times

‘Particular kudos must be given to Sally Mortemore as Eunice Murray, giving the character a motherly quality and a heartbreaking frailty after her employer’s demise …’ ★★★★ All That Dazzles

‘Stern housekeeper Mrs Murray remains fascinatingly unreadable … ‘ ★★★ The Telegraph

Sally Mortemore’s nuanced depiction of Monroe’s housemaid, Eunice Murray, is a prime and realistically disturbing example of this dichotomy.’ ★★★★ The The Spy In The Stalls

‘Meanwhile, Sally Mortemore gives a standout performance as housekeeper Eunice Murray. Although Murray herself was one of the least standout personalities among Marilyn’s usual company, she played a key role in her daily life…and in recounting her death.’ ★★★★ Fairy Powered Productions

Sally Mortemore off to the Edinburgh Festival in The Marilyn Conspiracy

Sally Mortemore is heading to this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival in the world premiere of Vicki McKellar and Guy Masterson’s The Marilyn Conspiracy.

The production explores theories surrounding the death of celebrated Hollywood star, Mailyn Monroe and is set to be a Fringe highlight.

The official Edfringe website blurb reads:

August 5, 1962. Marilyn Monroe is found dead! Official verdict: probable suicide. Seven people are present from 22:30 before police are finally called at 04:30. What do they discuss? In the style of 12 Angry Men, all the known facts are brought together, lies exposed, myths debunked. Was it suicide? Was it the Mafia… the CIA? Or was it Bobby Kennedy? With so many unanswered questions, this is the first time the probable truth has been exposed on stage. Revealing! Shocking! Brutal! Unmissable!

Sally will be playing Marilyn’s housekeeper, Eunice Murray, who discovers her body, with Susie Amy, Oliver Farnworth, Gavin Robertson, Vicki McKellar, Martin Rossen and Angela Bull making up the company.  

The Marilyn Conspiracy has been directed by Olivier Award-winning Guy Masterson and will run from Aug 2-12, 14-27 at 13.45 at Assembly George Square Studios 1.

Aux poster

10 Actorum clients in new feature, AUX

That’s right, not 1 but a mighty 10 Actorum clients have been cast in ‘AUX’, a new Brit feature, by Evolutionary Films directed by John Adams and staring John Rhys-Davies (Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones):

Darren Benedict, Joshua Boyd Campbell, David Broughton-Davies, Dominic Cazenove, George Haynes, Leonie Hill, Jasmeen James, Peter Landi, Amy Loughton and Sally Mortemore.

Aux - Headshots Only (2)

“Two young boys playing in the woods stumble across a stone “tree” which is actually the chimney and air vent for a secret bunker, undetected since WWII. They find the entrance hatch and open it. They are so terrified of what they find inside that one boy doesn’t make it back out of the bunker, and the other runs straight into the nearby road and gets hit by a vehicle.

The police investigate the car accident involving the boy. They cordon off areas and start searching for the second boy who is presumed missing. One by one, the police start to be murdered in grisly ways.

In the local old people’s home, an elderly WWII veteran sees all of this unfolding on the news and realises what has happened… But will anybody believe a senile old man as the devastation and destruction mounts up around them?”

AUX will be hitting cinema screens later this year but for all the latest news, check out their Twitter feed @auxthemovie